Predicting Federal Contracts using Machine Learning Classification in WEKA

Can I predict which contracts will likely be awarded in my area? By Don Krapohl Open WEKA explorer On pre-process tab find the government_contracts.arff file. Perform pre-processing Escape non-enclosure single- and double-quotes (’, ”) if using a delimited text version. Check ‘UniqueTransactionID’ and click ‘Remove’.  Stating the obvious, there is no value in analysis of… Continue reading Predicting Federal Contracts using Machine Learning Classification in WEKA

Automatic Entity Extraction using openNLP in C#

Entity Extraction and Competitive Intelligence I have been approached by multiple companies wishing to perform entity extraction for competitive intelligence. Simply put, executives want to know what their competition is up to, they want to expand their company, or they are just performing market research for a proposal. The targets are typically newspaper stories, SEC… Continue reading Automatic Entity Extraction using openNLP in C#